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Photo of Jesus Rojas Villasevil Spain

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Jesus Rojas Villasevil http://www.rojasvillasevil.com 1951-1997 Born in Malpica de Tajo (Toledo) studied drawing and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid. There will be to fill many pages to sketch even the human dimension Villasevil JR: your kind condition of a perfect man who knew generate affection and respect, their generous collaboration in the artistic activities of its people, their initiative, enthusiasm throughout worthwhile venture ... But it overflowed the space of this...
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Jesus Rojas Villasevil http://www.rojasvillasevil.com 1951-1997 Born in Malpica de Tajo (Toledo) studied drawing and painting at the School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid. There will be to fill many pages to sketch even the human dimension Villasevil JR: your kind condition of a perfect man who knew generate affection and respect, their generous collaboration in the artistic activities of its people, their initiative, enthusiasm throughout worthwhile venture ... But it overflowed the space of this microsite that wants to focus on the dimension of his painting and to assess its most outstanding features of the artistic work of Jesus Rojas Villasevil, nothing better to reflect the views who have written about it in catalogs and in the media, journalists and critics objectives and not influenced by the friendship and for the absence. CURRICULUM: 1985 1. - Malpica de Tajo: Hall Cultural Center. 1986 1. - Getafe: First meeting Getafe plastic artist. 1987 1. - Parla: Selected in the contest Villa de Parla. 1988 1. - La Granja, Segovia: Individual Cannigos Cultural Center. 2. - Getafe: Individual Room Pablo Serrano. 1989 1. - Basin: Individual Savings Bank of Cuenca and Ciudad Real. 2. - Madrid selected in the ninth Crculo Catalan Painting Competition. 1990 1. - Toledo: Individual room in the Centro Cultural de la Caja Rural. 2. - Madrid: Galera Gaud. I selected in the Contest Solar de Samaniego. 3. - Alicante: Selected in the V Biennial of Painting Elisa Tomas Yusty, with itinerant Novelda, Elche, Elda, Villena, Monovar, Onil, Castalla and Denia. 4. - Cadiz: Selected in the Painting Competition Art Academy of Santa Cecilia. 5. - Talavera de la Reina: Selected in the Ginestal Enrique Painting Competition. 6. - Plasencia: Finalist in the Autumn Salon of 1990. 1991 1. - Talavera de la Reina: Individual room exhibitions of the House of Culture. 2. - Cadiz: Selected in the Painting Competition Art Academy of Santa Cecilia. 3. - Getafe: Collective Art 91, in the courtroom of San Jos Hospitalillo. 4. - Talavera de la Reina: selected in Ginestal Enrique Painting Competition. 5. - Madrid: Galera Gaud, Christmas collective. 1992 1. - Madrid: Individual in Galera Gaud. 2. - Villa de Cerdeira, La Corua: Selected in the National Competition Villa de Cerdeira. 3. - Cadiz, Sotogrande Galera, collective summer. 4. - Majadahonda: Selected in the Annual Contest of Plastic Arts. 5. - Santander: Collective Art Fair Art Santander. 6. - Legans: Selected in the National Village Competition Legans 7. - Valencia: Galera del Este, collective Christmas. 1993 1. - Mstoles: Individual Cultural Center Kaleidoscope 2. - Madrid: Galera Gaud, collective summer. 3. - Ciudad Real: Single in the City Museum Elisa Cendrero. 4. - Quesada, Jan: Selected in the XXIII Painting Competition Homage to Rafael Zabaleta. 5. - Alczar San Jun: Selected in the Painting Competition XL Alcazar de San Jun. 6. - Guadarrama: Selected Painting Competition Villa de Guadarrama. 1994 1. - Valladolid: Individual Exhibition Hall Box Fuente Dorada Spain. 2. - Morocco: Individual and itinerant Tetun, Tangier, Rabat, Casablanca and Fez. 3. - Santander: Collective Art Fair Art Santander 4. - Madrid: Individual in Galera Gaud. 5. - Plasencia: Selected in the Hall of Otoo XVI. 1995 1. - Sevilla: Galera Haurie, collectively May. 2. - Teulada, Alicante. Selected in the Painting Competition XII Villa in Teulada. 3. - Madrid: Galera Gaud, collective summer. 4. - Plasencia: Finalist in the Autumn Salon of 1995. 1996 1. - Madrid: Individual in Infantas Galera. 2. - Toledo: Individual room in the Centro Cultural de la Caja Rural. 3. - Madrid: Galera Infantas collectively created in Spain. 4. - Valencia: International Fair DART INTERART 96. 5. - Plasencia: Selected in the Hall of Otoo XVIII. 6. - Madrid: Galera Infantas Christmas collective. 1997 1. - Elda, Alicante: Selected Painting Competition of the European Union Minicuadros. 2. - Getafe: Single Room, City Hall Art Getafe. 3. - Malpica de Tajo: Individual, Cultural Center Hall. AWARDS --- --- 1988 1. - First prize for drawing, Legans 1988. 1990 1. - First prize for painting, Villa de Parla. 2. - Second prize for painting, Catalan Crculo X Certamen de Madrid. 1991 1. - Accsit in the painting competition XII of the European community, Minicuadros. Elda, Alicante. 1992 1. - Mention Honorfica XVI National Competition in the Feast of the Olive. Mora, Toledo. 2. - XXII Accsit in the National Painting Competition Homage to Rafael Zabaleta, Quesada, Jan. 3. - Accsit in the XI Competition Painting Santa Cecilia Academy of Arts. (Osborne Award). Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz. 4. - Second prize for painting at the National Contest Prize Jan. XI 1993 1. - Mention of Honor at the VI Ron Bacard painting competition. Malaga. 1994 1. - Second prize for painting at the Villa de Guadarrama X competition. Guadarrama. 2. - Accsit in Painting Contest XII Arts Academy Santa Cecilia. (Osborne Award), Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz. 3. - Mention of Honor at the VII Ron Bacard painting competition. Malaga. 1995 1 .- First prize for painting in the Painting Competition II Pink saffron. Membrilla, City Real.

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